Scott Schlaker, Production Manager at Kinetico, “Kinetico Premier Series systems are the most efficient, highest performing and longest lasting systems that Kinetico offers. They all use a large port MAC control valve which can handle the high control rate of larger homes and with their freeborn media tank design that can also be applied in problem water situations quite successfully. For continuous soft water from a fully non-electric system and packed with all the features that today’s consumers demand, the Kinetico Premier Series systems is the right choice.”
The Kinetico Premier Series features include:

- Traditional twin and quad tank systems
- MACH Fully Automatic Control Valve with Large Port and Non-electric
- 24/7 Soft Water even regeneration using soft water
- AccuDial externally adjusted use meter
- Premium Double-screened Softening Resin
- Available Superkit Bypass Valve and Cartridge Filter
- Kinetico’s longest warranty (10 years on all materials and workmanship)
- 7 Twin Tank Systems including 2 overdrive models. These models share many features but differ in size and therefore softening capacity, giving the salesperson ( and the consumer) numerous options for specifying the proper system in a customer’s home.
- With softening capacities ranging from 38,000 to 300,000 grains of hardness per day and service flow rates is suitable for virtually any sized household, the Premier Series systems can cover a wide range of applications.
- Two Quad Tank Systems combining Softening and Filtration capability into one compact unit. Kinetico makes various quad configurations including models for Softening Chlorine removal or for Softening Ferric & Iron Filtration. (q850 or q850 OD)
- These systems are ideal for city water applications or in circumstances where space constraints won’t allow for installation of separate softening and filtration systems.
- All Premier models are WQA Certified to ANSI/NSF Standard 44 for softener efficiency.